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From DeFiChain-Wiki
(Created page with "The [https://www.saiive.live saiive.live] - DeFi Wallet is a DeFiChain wallet from and for the community. The wallet is developed by Patrik and Dominik and available for the f...")
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The [https://www.saiive.live saiive.live] - DeFi Wallet is a DeFiChain wallet from and for the community. The wallet is developed by Patrik and Dominik and available for the following operating systems:
The [https://www.saiive.live saiive.live] - DeFi Wallet is a DeFiChain wallet from and for the community.  
* [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=at.saiive.live Android]
* [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=at.saiive.live Android]
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The saiive.live wallet is a non-custodial light wallet. That means that you don't need to download the complete blockchain to your phone. You also don't need KYC to use it.
The saiive.live wallet is a non-custodial light wallet. That means that you don't need to download the complete blockchain to your phone. You also don't need KYC to use it.
== Important links ==
* [https://www.saiive.live Homepage]
* [https://github.com/saiive Source Code]
* [https://t.me/SmartDefiWallet Telegram]
== Infrastructure ==
To run the wallet, saiive.live needs a backend infrastructure. The infrastructure is seperated on different providers to further increase decentralization for DeFiChain.
At the moment it operates on:
* Microsoft Azure
* Scaleway
=== Services ===
The infrastructure contains several services. Here is a short description of the services.
* [https://github.com/saiive/ain Node]
** The defichain full node
* [https://github.com/saiive/defi-explorer Bitcore]
** Fetches the blockchain from the local node and prepares them insde a database
* [https://hub.docker.com/_/mongo MongoDB]
** Database service
* [https://github.com/saiive/saiive.supernode SuperNode]
** The main API endpoint for the wallet
* [https://github.com/saiive/defi-explorer Explorer]
** Blockchain explorer
=== Nodes ===
Saiive operates several nodes for the saiive.live wallet.
The API Endpoint points to a Azure Front Door load balancer and forwards the requests to the different nodes.
==== API ====
===== Production Environment =====
Status page: https://status.saiive.live/
API Endpoint:  [https://supernode.saiive.live/swagger/index.html https://supernode.saiive.live]
Swagger: https://supernode.saiive.live/swagger/index.html
** az-prod-0
*** mainnet: https://api.az-prod-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/DFI/block/tip
*** testnet: https://api.az-prod-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/DFI/block/tip
** scw-prod-0
*** mainnet: https://api.scw-prod-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/DFI/block/tip
*** testnet: https://api.scw-prod-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/DFI/block/tip
* 1x BTC
** btcscw-prod-0
*** mainnet: https://api.btcscw-prod-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/BTC/block/tip
*** testnet: [https://api.btcscw-prod-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/BTC/block/tip ttps://api.btcscw-prod-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/BTC/block/tip]
===== Staging Environment =====
Status page: https://staging-status.saiive.live/
API Endpoint:  [https://staging-supernode.saiive.live/swagger/index.html https://staging-supernode.saiive.live]
Swagger: https://staging-supernode.saiive.live/swagger/index.html
** az-staging-0
*** mainnet: https://api.az-staging-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/DFI/block/tip
*** testnet: https://api.az-staging-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/DFI/block/tip
** scw-staging-0
*** mainnet: https://api.scw-staging-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/DFI/block/tip
*** testnet: https://api.scw-staging-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/DFI/block/tip
* 1x BTC
** btcscw-staging-0
*** mainnet: https://api.btcscw-staging-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/BTC/block/tip
*** testnet: https://api.btcscw-staging-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/BTC/block/tip
===== Development Environment =====
Status page: [https://status.saiive.live/ https://dev-status.saiive.live/]
API Endpoint:  [https://dev-supernode.saiive.live/swagger/index.html https://dev-supernode.saiive.live]
Swagger: https://dev-supernode.saiive.live/swagger/index.html
** az-dev-0
*** mainnet: https://api.az-dev-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/DFI/block/tip
*** testnet: https://api.az-dev-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/DFI/block/tip
** scw-dev-0
*** mainnet: https://api.scw-dev-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/DFI/block/tip
*** testnet: https://api.scw-dev-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/DFI/block/tip
* 1x BTC
** btcscw-dev-0
*** mainnet: https://api.btcscw-dev-0.saiive.live/api/v1/mainnet/BTC/block/tip
*** testnet: https://api.btcscw-dev-0.saiive.live/api/v1/testnet/BTC/block/tip
==== Explorer ====
===== Production Environment =====
* Global Endpoints
** mainnet: https://mainnet-supernode.saiive.live/explorer/
** testnet: https://testnet-supernode.saiive.live/testnet/
* Node Endpoints:
** DFI
*** scw-prod-0
**** mainnet: https://mainnet.scw-prod-0.saiive.live/
**** testnet: https://testnet.scw-prod-0.saiive.live/
*** az-prod-0
**** mainnet: https://mainnet.az-prod-0.saiive.live/
**** testnet: https://testnet.az-prod-0.saiive.live/
** BTC
*** btcscw-prod-0:
**** mainnet: https://mainnet.btcscw-prod-0.saiive.live/
**** testnet: https://testnet.btcscw-prod-0.saiive.live/
Also available for all other environments - the URLs are deterministic.

Revision as of 07:39, 27 September 2021

The saiive.live - DeFi Wallet is a DeFiChain wallet from and for the community.

The saiive.live wallet is a non-custodial light wallet. That means that you don't need to download the complete blockchain to your phone. You also don't need KYC to use it.