Wallet Bugs
Here you can find an overview of some bugs, which often occur and possible solution for it.
Insufficient Fund
Error Message
Some users are facing the error message Insufficient funds after they made some changes like
- Swap Coins in the DEX
- Add or remove Liquidity
- Sending DFI or token to another address
One example is shown on the right side
Reason for the Error
The main reason for this error is not having enough DFI coins (UTXOs) to pay the Fees of the Blockchain in your wallet.
Unknowing users could mean, that they have enough, because the DFI-wallet in the App shows a high enough amount. But this number is a mixture of coins and tokens. The second are get from the DEX and Liquidity-Mining.
So, the first thing is checking the available coin amount in your wallet. Go to the console and execute the command getbalance
If your wallet shows less than 0.01DFI, then you don't have enough DFI in your wallet to do anything on the DefiChain. The only way to solve this is sending DFI from outside your wallet to one of the included addresses.
Node disconnected
Error Message
The error message Node is disconnected is shown while the wallet is synchronizing. Most of the time the wallet is already synchronized up to ~90%-95% when the error occurd.
Reason for the Error
There are different reasons which can lead to this error. You can distinguish between the following different types:
- Wallet synchronized normally up to 80%-99% until the error message is shown: That's the most common type, which is a RAM problem. In this case the wallet needs to much RAM to synchronize.
- Wallet does not synchronize and the error message occurd with 0.00% synchronization: Probably a network error
Solution to solve the different reasons for this error message:
- There are two different solutions for the first type:
- Delete the .dat files in the "blocks" folder, which can be founded in the DeFi Blockchain folder
- Start the wallet; wait until the wallet is synchronized up to ~90%-95% and shut the wallet down normally (the error message must not occur up to this moment); after that you can restart your wallet (repeat the steps until the wallet is synchronized. You can check the RAM usage of your PC to know the perfect time to shut the wallet down again)
- For second problem type you can try the following solutions:
- Check your firewall settings
- Check your network settings (connect with a private networt instead of a public network)
- Check your Antivir program