Vault Maxi is a bot, created as a community project by Kügi and Krysh. (Twitter: @mkuegi, @Krysh90, @vaultMaxi) The main use case for running this bot is to maximize Liquidity Mining rewards with assets minted from vaults. You can configure a target range for the collateralization ratio and the bot will check every time it gets triggered (e.g. every 15 Minutes) if the vault is in that range. If not, it will reduce or increase the exposure. This means that either when the col ratio is to low, LM pool exposure will get reduced and loans in the vault paid back. Therefore, the col ratio will increase again into the configured range. Vault Maxi calculates exactly how much has to be reduced or increased so that after such an action you will be in the exact middle of that range. For example, when you configure the range to be between 157% and 160% it will come out with 158.5%. In the following executions the value will differ, as the prices of the minted assets, as well as the collateral value in the vault, change over time. But only when the new collateralization ratio is above the maximum or below the minimum of the configured range, Vault maxi will do changes. It is possible to configure the bot to use either the so Called Single- or Double Mint Strategy. For Single Mint you need DUSD in the collateral and the other asset for the LM pair gets minted by a loan with this vault. DUSD get withdrawn from the collateral and used in a LM pool together with the minted asset. Vault Maxi will calculate the needed amount automatically. For double mint both assets (dStock Token and DUSD) for the liquidity pool pair will be minted as loan from the vault. In this case you need at least 50% DFI in the collateral to be eligible to mint DUSD (collateralization rules).
Other features: -Reinvest, you can configure a threshold for the amount of rewards that will get reinvested after having accumulated that amount in the address holding the LM pool token. With a sophisticated pattern you can configure what to do with the reinvest (put in collateral of any vault or sent to another address. And This not only in DFI or DUSD, but every desired token or any pool pair of the DEX. -Donation for the developers, Kügi and Krysh do a great job in developing and continuously maintain and further improve this software. They share everything as open source on github. By setting a donation amount as percentage of a reinvest sum you can give something back to them.
Info about this project online: GitHub (source, readme): Extensive User Guide in a google doc: Project Website incl statistics of vaults using vault amxi, as well as a tool for creating the reinvest pattern: Community Discord Server: