From DeFiChain-Wiki
Revision as of 16:08, 29 January 2022 by Misterpiggie49 (talk | contribs) (Started page, more information still needed)
DeFiChain uses a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) model in order to secure the network. Users must stake an amount of DFI to create a masternode. Masternodes are nodes that are allowed to create blocks, in return for block rewards. In case of malicious intent by a masternode, it is banned. This way, malicious actors cannot gain control of the network unless they have a large amount of DFI to stake. It is important to note, banned masternodes do not happen accidentally, they are only caused by malicious users.
Currently, the amount of DFI that is required to stake is 20,000 DFI, although it is possible to use a service provider such as Cake to stake less than that amount.