DeFiChain Tutorials

From DeFiChain-Wiki
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This is a work in progress. Please do not go off of this tutorial as it is incomplete, unedited, and may not be accurate.

This tutorial is designed with easy-to-understand language without complex words or cryptocurrency jargon, for a new cryptocurrency user who has already done their research and would like to invest in DeFiChain.

A Short Introduction

The main coin of DeFiChain is DFI (it is also called "native coin," basically meaning that DFI is the original coin of the blockchain). For the Bitcoin blockchain the native coin is BTC, and for the Ethereum blockchain the native coin is ETH. In essence, native coins are used for almost everything on a blockchain, and investors buy these coins because they believe in the mission of the blockchain and therefore the rise of the native coin's price.

How to Obtain DFI

There are multiple ways to obtain DFI.