Block Rewards

From DeFiChain-Wiki

DeFiChain Block Rewards

DeFiChain was initially launched with a 200 DFI block reward approximately every 30-37 seconds. The Foundation pledges to guarantee this 200 DFI block reward for at least 1,050,000 blocks since the first genesis block, or approximately until August 2021.

After the first 1,050,000 blocks, block rewards will be adjusted through governance vote.

The proposed staking schedule for the first 10 years is according to the following table:

Proposed staking Schedule

Allocation of the Block Reward

At start of DeFiChain
  • 180 DFI as mining reward for masternode
  • 19.9 DFI goes to community fund (fund address)
  • 0.1 DFI goes to Bitcoin anchor reward smart contract
Start of Liquidity Mining DFIP #2
  • 135 DFI as mining reward for masternode
  • 45 DFI goes to incentive funding smart contract (gives rewards to liquidity miners)
  • 19.9 DFI goes to community fund (fund address)
  • 0.1 DFI goes to Bitcoin anchor reward smart contract
  • for more information about Liquidity Mining